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KASAMA means friend, companion, comrade...
KASAMA December 2011
(Double Issue) Volume 25 Numbers 3 and 4

Behind the SeamsHanapbuhay – Livelihood: The Workers’ Story

By Dee Dicen Hunt

The West End factory that produced Can’t Tear ‘Em™ workwear, had for many years triumphed over tariff cuts and offshore competition. It did so through the determination, adaptability and skill of its largely female, migrant workforce. Despite the workers’ commitment to keeping the factory open, it closed its doors in July 2009 when its parent company, Pacific Brands, sent manufacturing offshore. (“Behind the Seams” exhibition brochure)

La Trinidad MapEarth Savers’ Day at Little Flower Children’s Home Foundation

Story and photos from J.P. Alipio

Just as the local government units try every means to solve the garbage issue, this three-time winner for clean and healthy private elementary school environment in La Trinidad, continues to find ways to address the community’s environmental concerns.


Joy BalazoPeace Maker JOY BALAZO Retires After 20 Years of Service

by STEPHEN WEBB, deputy editor of Insights, the monthly magazine of the Uniting Church in Australia’s Synod of New South Wales and the ACT

After 20 years of travelling across the Asia-Pacific region spreading seeds of peace, the founder of Young Ambassadors for Peace (YAP), Uniting Church Peacemaker Joy Balazo has indicated an intention to retire.


Asian Media BarometerAsian Media Barometer: The Philippines 2011

The 104-page Asian Media Barometer: The Philippines 2011 resulted from a two-day discussion during 8-9 October 2011 with an expert panel of media professionals. The report was launched on December 13th at a forum in Quezon City.



Diplomacy Training Program, Baguio City, Philippines 6-15 April 2011

Merdeka or Death: Bring Back Our Lands! Liberty! Stop The Abuse!
by Jenny Fraser, Yugambeh of the Bundjalung Nation

These are the cries of Indigenous Peoples all over the world. There are at least 5,000 distinct Indigenous communities that continue to exist today in over 72 countries. Most are eager to retain their lands, governance, economic, cultural and spiritual practices. Though some have been impacted for centuries by global reach of colonizing societies, all now face an ever more aggressive effort by global corporations and bureaucracies seeking access to the resources and lands that they have protected for millennia and on which they depend.


Asian Media BarometerShattering the myth of safe and responsible mining

by Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA)
Northern Dispatch (NORDIS) Weekly, November 13, 2011

More than 10 years ago, a massive sinking, landslide and ground subsidence occurred in Colalo, Mankayan, where Lepanto Mining has operated for more than 70 years. On that fateful day of July 26, a large portion of Colalo Proper above the quarry site sunk and eroded, totally damaging the elementary school, four homes, a portion of the road, several farms and orchards and other improvements. The sinking affected at least 10 hectares of land.


Oceana Gold Human Rights ViolatorSLAPP Suit Against Ifugaos In Didipio Dismissed

Legal Rights & Natural Resources Center
Press Release — September 9, 2011

“Finally! We can now sleep without fear of being arrested anytime” exclaimed Mr. Jaime Ananayo, one of the nine accused Ifugaos and a member of Didipio Earth Savers Multipurpose Association (DESAMA). After more than 2 years of waiting, Indigenous Ifugaos of Didipio Nueva Vizcaya were euphoric yesterday upon hearing Judge Atorba of the Municipal Trial Court of Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya dismissed the case filed against them by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for allegedly occupying forest lands illegally.


Asian Human Rights Commission Cover of Report 2009The State of Human Rights in the Philippines in 2011

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, December 10, 2011

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) today published its 25-page report containing its analyses on what it has observed as the irreparable ‘social and systemic impact’ of the ongoing violations of human rights in the country. The government remains incapable of providing the most rudimentary forms of protection to its people despite the growing intolerance of the public towards human rights violations. On the other hand the improvements in the legal framework to protect rights, has created the situation where despite the laws being in place to protect the citizens they resort to an emerging ‘parallel system’ from which they now seek remedies and redress.


ATM LogoGovt’s Smart Aid Will Do Little: Mining Watchdog

by Ryan Witcombe – 8 November 2011

The Gillard Government’s ‘Mining for Development Initiative’ has come under attack from a Philippines’ mining watchdog, which says the plan to provide training and scholarships will do little to address serious environmental and human rights problems created by the mining industry.

KaSaMa LogoAustralia supports new human rights activities in the Philippines

9 December 2011

The Australian Government is supporting six Philippine civil society organisations for action and education on human rights through the Karapatan sa Malikhaing Paraan (KaSaMa) multi-donor initiative. KaSaMa funds civil society organisations to imple­ment innovative human rights projects.


The Indigenous World UN YearbookUN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was endorsed by Australia in 2009

When the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) was adopted in the UN General Assembly in September 2007, only four states voted against it, while 11 states abstained.

Australia revised its position in 2009, officially endorsing the Declaration.

In 2010, New Zealand, Canada and the US followed suit.


Father Fausto TentorioThe Murder of Father Tentorio

Missionary Father Fausto Tentorio died in a hail of bullets last 17 October 2011. It is a despicable crime of murder; cowardly, senseless and it will not achieve its purpose to instill fear, terror and paralysis into the indigenous people and environmentalists in the Diocese of Kidapawan.


Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)Filipino activists call for end to military atrocities in West Papua

Initiatives For International Dialogue
Friday, 2 December 2011 —

Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC) and Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) solidarity activists today held a silent protest in front of Indonesian Embassy in Makati City in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of West Papua’s declaration of independence from the Dutch rule.