Kasama Masthead

KASAMA means friend, companion, comrade...

KASAMA March 1997
Volume 11 Number 1

March 1997
Volume 11 Number 1

Going beyond the personal (Part Two)

Lesbianism, much like feminism, is incessantly besieged by the criticism that its origins are western. This assertion obviously manifests societal resistance to the reality of indigenous lesbian existence. Unfortunately, even some women activists toe the line. What is conveniently forgotten is that all social movements in this country owe much of their political theories and concepts from outside sources.

Finland Debates "Mail-Order Bride" Issue

Approximately 600 ethnic Filipinos live in Finland. They are mostly spouses of Finns - 85% being women - or they work in diplomatic circles thus avoiding normal visa regulations. Some are also au pairs. Up to 1995, Finnish people knew almost nothing about this small group.

Ramos Orders ID Cards

Human Rights advocates in the Philippines have predicted a civil disobedience campaign against the Philippine Government's adoption of a national identification system. On January 8 this year President Ramos issued Administrative Order 308 after the Cabinet unanimously endorsed the scheme.

Another Bad Year for Filipino OCWs

Kakammpi 1996 Year-End Report on the situation of Filipino migrants.

Sleaze & Smutch

There's something foul about the new book "Goddesses of the Lust Triangle", and Kathleen Maltzahn says the stink is coming from its author, Arnel de Guzman, a well-known human rights advocate.

1st National Lesbian Rights Conference

The First National Lesbian Rights Conference with the theme Hearing Our Voices in Unity: Claiming Our Rights, Controlling Our Lives was successfully held last December 7-9, 1996 in Silang, Cavite.

International Women's Day 1997

EMERE DISTOR and DEE HUNT spoke at the IWD rally in Brisbane on behalf of the CENTRE FOR PHILIPPINE CONCERNS-AUSTRALIA.