KASAMA Vol. 23 No. 4 / November-December 2009 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network

Global Day of Action on Climate Change

On 12 December 2009 over 3,000 events were held around the planet calling on world leaders to produce a fair, ambitious, and binding climate change agreement at the United Nations Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Global Day of Action on climate 2009 has been a huge success demonstrating the rapid mushrooming of a massive global movement in response to the unparalleled threat we face from the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate and the seeming inability of the world’s leaders to do anything effective about it.

Pride of place definitely goes to the magnificent demonstration of some 100,000 people from all around the world in Copenhagen, itself, at the actual location of the UN Climate Talks. This included substantial numbers from nearby countries of north west Europe in many of which the ‘national’ demonstration had been timed for 5th December, a week earlier, so as to allow people to concentrate purely on building the big Copenhagen demo on the 12th.

On the 12th itself another 100,000 rallied all around Australia (with 40,000 in Melbourne alone). With the active involvement this year of a new international coalition of NGOs — the ‘Global Campaign for Climate Action’, and the newly formed “350” organisation there was a vast number of smaller actions in just about every country of the world. These mainly took the form of “Vigils for a Real Deal” under the Tck Tck Tck brand or candlelight vigils under the ‘350’ banner (photos & reports at and and

In the meantime we will be building for another big effort next year because the very disappointing results of the Copenhagen conference show that we still have a struggle ahead of us. We need to keep building that huge global movement.


Global Day of ActionGlobal Day of Action

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