KASAMA Vol. 19 No. 2 / April-May-June 2005 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network
Women in Asia Conference
University of Technology, Sydney
September 26-28 2005
The University of Technology Sydney is hosting the eighth biennial
Women in Asia Conference.
The Women in Asia Conferences have been held every two years since
1981 and are supported by the Women's Caucus of the Asian Studies
Association of Australia. These are international conferences, with
attendees from throughout Australia and particularly from the Asian
regions, including those who are working on or in the region.
The theme of this year's conference is Shadow Lines, which has to do
with movement across borders, borders that may be understood in many
different ways and in many different contexts.
Our guest speakers are:
- Dr Ananya Jahanara Kabir, a specialist on Kashmir
- Dr Vera Mackie whose research focus is women in Japan.
- Dr Harriet Evans, a specialist on China
- Dr Nicole Constable, a specialist on Southeast Asia.
- Ms Carla Bianpoen who specializes in contemporary women artists in
- Ms Ellene Sana who works with Filipino migrant women
For information on registration and accommodation please consult the website

ELLENE A. SANA is the Executive Director of the Center for Migrant
Advocacy-Philippines (CMA), a partner organization with SPAN and
CPCA. CMA-Phils is an independent policy advocacy group promoting
the rights and development of overseas Filipinos. It works for a
world that is just, equitable and gender-fair by campaigning on
behalf of migrants, conducting research, networking and providing
direct assistance to the most distressed.
CMA website: www.pinoy-abroad.net