KASAMA Vol. 18 No. 1 / January-February-March 2004 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network

Send an Unhappy Birthday Card to the IMF and World Bank

On Your 60th Birthday,
We Call on You to Cancel 100% of the Debts of Impoverished Countries, Without Harmful Conditions!

For A True Jubilee Celebration,
Let Us Join Hands to Break the Chains of Debt.

It's no time for a party to celebrate the IMF and World Bank's 60th Birthday.

To sign the Unhappy Birthday e-card go to the Jubilee USA web site at
And, if you're in the U.S. on April 21 and can get to Washington DC, you are invited to An Unhappy Birthday Party for the World Bank/IMF.

When: Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 12-2 pm
Where: In front of the World Bank
18th and "H" Sts., NW, Washington, DC

The rally will bring attention to the devastating legacy that unjust IMF/World Bank policies and ever-growing debt have had on countries of the Global South. We will also make it clear that the debt crisis has not been resolved! While the World Bank and IMF continue to drag their feet with their limited and conditional debt relief program, thousands continue to die needlessly from preventable diseases and HIV/AIDS. We will renew our call for 100% debt cancellation for impoverished nations without harmful conditions.

The event will feature speakers from the Global South, religious leaders, grassroots organizers, musical acts, street theatre, and even birthday cake! We will also deliver the thousands of "unhappy birthday" cards Jubilee USA has collected from around the world demanding that the World Bank and IMF cancel 100% of the debt of impoverished countries.

Organized by Jubilee USA Network, in collaboration with 50 Years is Enough Network, Africa Action, and the Religious Working Group on the IMF/World Bank. Endorsed by Global Justice Ecology Project, Holy Cross International Justice Office, Medical Mission Sisters' Alliance for Justice, Nicaragua Network, Sisters of Mercy Institute Justice Team. For more info/to endorse: call Jubilee USA Network at 202-783-0129 and visit the campaign web site at