KASAMA Vol. 17 No. 3 / July-August-September 2003 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network

Stop The Traffic Conference
RMIT, Melbourne, 23rd & 24th October 2003

Project Respect is organising another conference in Melbourne this year. The first Stop the Traffic Symposium in February 2002 brought together an impressive platform of speakers who shared their knowledge and experience of the international effort to bring a halt to the trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation. I learnt a lot at that one day symposium in the company of activists sincerely determined to discuss divergent views and practice. Last year's programme was invigorating, productive and its modest fee enabled attendance by students and those of us who work as unpaid volunteers for community groups and people's organisations. I'm sure this year's conference will be its equal. Please mark these dates in your diary and circulate this notice through your networks. - Dee Hunt

The conference is presented by Project Respect, in association with RMIT School of Social Science and Planning and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, and sponsored by the City of Yarra and VicHealth.

Slavery and sexual servitude is an issue of growing concern in Australia. Victims of this crime experience profound and ongoing violence and threats which have lasting negative impacts on women's physical and psychological health.

In recent months, trafficking for prostitution has received much attention in Australia, with widespread media coverage and the first arrests made under the 1999 sexual slavery laws. Despite this, too little is known about the extent of trafficking in Australia and there is a lack of coordination among those working on the issue. This two-day conference presents an opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to address this grave human rights violation, and to develop concrete steps to prevent trafficking, protect trafficked women and prosecute traffickers.

The conference will operate within a framework of Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution, following the UN Protocol on Trafficking in Persons. The themes addressed will include:

Keynote Speaker:
Paul Holmes, QPM Consultant - Counter Trafficking & Law Enforcement Co-ordination, is an internationally recognised expert in counter trafficking, child prostitution, paedophilia and the commercial exploitation of human beings. His experience is founded upon 30 years operational police service with New Scotland Yard.

23 & 24 October 2003
9:00am - 5:00pm

RMIT City Campus - Kaleide Theatre
360 Swanston Street Melbourne

$200 full, $30 NGO/CBO,
$10 concession

Contact Project Respect on 9416-3401
or by Email: