KASAMA Vol. 17 No. 2 / April-May-June 2003 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network
(Other) Feminisms
An International Women's and Gender Studies Conference
12th to 16th July 2003
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Organized by:
Australian Women's Studies Association
Plenary Speakers Include:
Ann Curthoys, Vijay Agnew, Raylene Ramsay, Elizabeth
Wilson and Gabriele Griffin.
Abstracts have been received from attendees from Philippines, Iran, Malaysia,
India, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Singapore, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Ireland,
USA, New Zealand, Canada and all Australian states.
More Information:
Conference website: www.emsah.uq.edu.au/conferences/of/index.html
Mrs Vicky McNicol
School of English, Media Studies and Art History,
The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4072
Tel. +61(07) 3365 1412 Fax +61(07) 3365 2799
Email: v.mcnicol@uq.edu.au
Challenging the US Empire
Australia for Peace and Justice
23rd & 24th August 2003
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Organized by:
Now We the People
Speakers Include:
Andrew Wilkie, Dr Patricia Ronald,Doug Cameron, Dr Carol Araullo, Rod Donald, Mayor Liz Johnstone, Andrew Bartlett, Kerry Nettle, Anthony Albanese, Tanya Pilbersek
More Information:
Conference website: http://www.nowwethepeople.org
Now We The People,
P.O. Box K941, Haymarket, NSW 1240 Australia
Phone: (02) 9211 4164
Fax: (02) 9211 1407
Email: info@nowwethepeople.org
Is Prison Obsolete
26th, 27th & 28th November 2003
Bardon Conference Centre,
Brisbane, Australia
Organized by: Sisters Inside
Keynote Speakers: Angela Davis, Kim Pate, Gina Dent, Amanda George, Kathleen Maltzahn, Eileen Baldry, Julie Stubbs
More Information:
Conference website: http://www.sistersinside.com.au
Sisters Inside Inc.
P.O. Box 3407, South Brisbane, Qld 4101 Australia
Phone: (07) 3844 5066
Fax: (07) 3844 2788
Email: admin@sistersinside.com.au
Challenges in Health Work in a Globalized and Terrorized World
2nd to 10th November 2003
Manila, Philippines
Organized by: International League of People's Struggles - Ad Hoc Health Commission
People's Health Movement - Philippines
International People's Health Council - Philippines
A five-day exposure and integration with community-based health programs and
organized groups from the peasants, fisherfolks, national minorities and urban
poor where the negative impact of globalization and US interventionism are
most felt. Followed by three days of conference, workshops, media, protest
march and cultural program.
More Information: The Conference Secretariat
Email: chd@compass.com.ph or head@pilnet.com
or Dr. Veth Guevarra
Email: vguev@optushome.com.au
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