KASAMA Vol. 15 No. 2 / April-May-June 2001 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network

Bahay ng Alumni, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

Philippine Civil Society and International Solidarity Partners
Strengthening Local & Global Advocacy Initiatives

The conference aims to provide analyses and exchange of views on current national and international development issues and challenges; to strengthen and develop new linkages among organizations and activists through coordinated, common initiatives; and to identify local and global issues for strategic co-operative action and public policy intervention.

Culture shows and activities are woven in the schedule. So are exposure programs and networking caucuses.

The conference will focus on four major topics, namely:

The conference is jointly organized by the Philippine-European Solidarity Center (PESC-KSP) based in the Netherlands and a coalition of different Philippines-based organizations, with the People's Global Exchange (PGX) serving as the Secretariat.

It is time for friends to sit down, drink some kapeng barako, take stock and move forward together.

For confirmation of participation, and other inquiries, please contact the conference secretariat through:

Peoples' Global Exchange (PGX)
#70 Matahimik St, Teacher's Village,
Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
Email address:
Tel/Fax no. (63-2) 435 4533

For the latest news about this conference visit the PESC-KSP web site at