Fluid Dynamics Search Engine: oatmeal cookies
This website contains images that some Aboriginal people may
be sensitive to and they should exercise caution when viewing.
Search Results
Your search for oatmeal, cookies found the following documents (of 875 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-3 of 3, with best matches first:
- 1. Solidarity Philippines Australia Network (SPAN)
URL: http://cpcabrisbane.org/Search/search.pl - 17KB
Solidarity Philippines Australia Network (SPAN) is a network of Filipino and Australian individuals and organisations active in solidarity with the struggles of the Filipino peoples for Human Rights, Self-Determination, Social Justice, Peace and Democracy.
Excerpt: to start your search. here's an example: type oatmeal cookies in the search box. press the search...
- 2. Colonial Name, Colonial Mentality and Ethnocentrism (Part Four)
URL: http://cpcabrisbane.org/Kasama/2004/V18n2/ColonialName4.htm - 69KB
by Nathan Gilbert Quimpo
Excerpt: filipinos were again in uproar when a packet of cookies produced in spain and marketed in europe...
- 3. Guns, Goons, and Gold
URL: http://cpcabrisbane.org/Kasama/2009/V23n3/GunsGoonsGold.htm - 22KB
by Alex Tizon
Excerpt: she was polite and friendly. she offered cookies and coffee. and then she proceeded to show...
Documents 1-3 of 3 displayed.
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This website contains images that some Aboriginal people may
be sensitive to and they should exercise caution when viewing.