Fluid Dynamics Search Engine: Philippines Australia Network (SPAN)

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Search Results
        Your search for, Philippines, Australia, Network, (SPAN) found the following documents (of 875 documents searched):
        Displaying documents 1-10 of 875, with best matches first:

1. SPAN Web Site Map
URL: - 591KB

Solidarity Philippines Australia Network (SPAN) is a network of Filipino and Australian individuals and organisations active in solidarity with the struggles of the Filipino peoples for Human Rights, Self-Determination, Social Justice, Peace and Democracy.

Excerpt: span logo span web site map solidarity philippines australia network (span) aims objectives of...
URL: - 135KB

Paper presented to the Immigrant Women's Support Service Forum "Sexual Violence in a Gender, Cultural and Human Rights Framework" on 24th November, 2000.

Excerpt: tagalog, bicol, hiligaynon, and waray. the philippines is comprised of more than 7,000 islands shared...
3. Colonial Name, Colonial Mentality and Ethnocentrism (Part One)
URL: - 59KB

By Nathan Gilbert Quimpo

Excerpt: no. 3 / july-august-september 2003 / solidarity philippines australia network colonial name, colonial...
4. Colonial Name, Colonial Mentality and Ethnocentrism (Part Four)
URL: - 69KB

by Nathan Gilbert Quimpo

Excerpt: 18 no. 2 / april-may-june 2004 / solidarity philippines australia network colonial name, colonial...
5. Women Cannot Be Bought. CATW and BUKAL Speaking Tour in Australia
URL: - 66KB

During September and October this year the NETWORK AGAINST SEX TOURS hosted the speaking tour in Australia of CECILIA HOFMANN, the Secretary of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Asia-Pacific and MELVIE GALACIO the Coordinator of Bukluran ng Kababaihan sa Lansangan (Association of Street Walkers). ANTHONY BROWN, co-producer of the 4ZZZ Radio program BRISBANE LINE, taped this interview with Cecilia and Melvie on September 26.

Excerpt: 4 / october-november-december 1997 / solidarity philippines australia network women cannot be bought catw...
6. APEC's Thriller in Manila
URL: - 47KB

In November 1996 the Philippines played host to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders Summit. AZIZ CHOUDRY attended the Manila People's Forum on APEC '96 and a preparatory conference held in Davao City on Economic and Social Development. His article is reprinted from KAPATIRAN, April 1997, the newsletter of the Philippines Solidarity Network of Aotearoa (PSNA).

Excerpt: 11 no. 2 / april-may-june 1997 / solidarity philippines australia network in november 1996 the...
7. KASAMA 2009 Menu
URL: - 60KB

KASAMA 2009 Volume 23

Excerpt: two storms that caused area devastation in the philippines at the beginning of the year has faded and the...
8. KASAMA 2009 Menu
URL: - 60KB

KASAMA 2009 Volume 23

Excerpt: two storms that caused area devastation in the philippines at the beginning of the year has faded and the...
9. Colonial Name, Colonial Mentality and Ethnocentrism (Part Two)
URL: - 55KB

by Nathan Gilbert Quimpo

Excerpt: 4 / october-november-december 2003 / solidarity philippines australia network colonial name, colonial...
10. ‘Human Rights: Philippines’ by ALP Senator Gavin Marshall
URL: - 27KB

I am taking this opportunity in the adjournment debate tonight to alert the Senate to a report launched at Parliament House yesterday. The report, entitled Getting Away With Murder — Impunity for Those Targeting Church Workers in the Philippines, was produced by the Uniting Church in Australia’s Justice and International Mission Unit. This report serves to highlight the numerous cases of murders and death threats perpetrated against the citizens of the Philippines and provides a detailed description of 14 cases of Uniting Church of Christ members who have been murdered in the past two years.

Excerpt: no. 3 / july-august-september 2006 / solidarity philippines australia network human rights: philippines by...

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