See also:

"Customizing the FDSE layout using PHP" '; if ($echo_verbose) { echo "\n"; echo "

Trace: you can disable these Trace statements by setting \$verbose = 0; in your PHP file.

\n"; echo "

Trace: starting function FDSE_output

\n"; } if (!file_exists($search_script)) { return "

Error php-3: script file '$search_script' does not exist - check the \$search_script variable.

\n$helptext"; } if (!file_exists($path_to_perl)) { return "

Error: Perl interpreter '$path_to_perl' does not exist - check the \$path_to_perl variable.

\n$helptext"; } if ($echo_verbose) { echo "

Trace: testing support for shell_exec()

\n"; $teststr = 'Larry Wall'; $command = "$path_to_perl -v"; $output = shell_exec($command); if (strstr( $output, $teststr )) { echo "

Success: shell_exec tests ok

\n"; } else { return "

Error fdse-php-2: shell_exec() test failed. Command '$command' did not return expected string '$teststr'. Instead returned '$output'.

\n$helptext"; } } # create a readable format for parameters $params = 'is_shell_include=1 search_url=' . urlencode($self_url) . ' '; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { foreach ($_POST as $key => $this) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { #changed 0070 $this = stripslashes($this); } $params .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($this) . ' '; } } else { foreach ($_GET as $key => $this) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { #changed 0070 $this = stripslashes($this); } $params .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($this) . ' '; } } $command = "$path_to_perl $search_script $params 2>&1"; if ($echo_verbose) { $hcommand = htmlspecialchars($command); echo "

Trace: running command:


\n"; } $output = shell_exec($command); if ($echo_verbose) { $len = strlen($output); echo "

Trace: command returned $len bytes of output.

\n"; } return $output; } ?>