KASAMA Vol. 20 No. 2 / April-May-June 2006 / Solidarity Philippines Australia Network

New Publications

Copies of the proceedings of the quarterly Advocacy Forum Series and other resources may be downloaded for free from the CMA web site at

CMA Forum

WTO GATS Mode 4: A Prescription for Migration?

UP Balay Kalinaw, March 18, 2005

The objective of this forum was to have a basic understanding of the issues and concerns regarding the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Mode 4. The forum also addresses the impact of GATS and Mode 4 on the rights and situation of migrants, particularly women migrants who dominate the service sectors.




CMA Forum

Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and the Role of Trade Unions in Labor-Sending and Receiving Countries

UP Balay Kalinaw, June 24, 2005

Given the broad range of activities and forms of organizations of Filipino migrant workers, what is the role of trade unions in both sending and receiving countries to uphold and protect their rights as migrants? Are they not considered anathema to the rights of local workers in the destination countries? This forum addressed these questions and other related issues.




CMA Forum

Policy Issues on Skilled Migration: The Case of Filipino Nurses

September 30, 2005, Max’s Restaurant, Quezon Memorial Circle

Given the economic and political crisis in the Philippines, labor migration remains a necessity for many Filipinos and an option for others. There is a high demand for nurses and other health workers due to the demo¬graphic changes in many developed countries where the aging population is increasing rapidly. The forum looked into the brain drain phenomenon caused by the migration of skilled workers, gaps in policies, and ways to address these issues.